Nat Geo Day Tour: Two Sides, One Story - Insights from Journalists on the Division of the Nation
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Nat Geo Day Tour: Two Sides, One Story - Insights from Journalists on the Division of the Nation

Basato su 1 recensioni
Cancellazione gratuita
Lingua: Inglese
Voucher sul cellulare accettato
Durata: da 4 ore a 8 ore
Cosa farai
  • Join Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot journalists in Cyprus for a transformative tour. Both freely share their backgrounds and invite you to take part in an open dialogue exploring political issues, recent history, and reconciliation efforts, while fostering hope for a united future.
  • Soak up the rustic ambiance of Moutallos, an authentic village where diverse cultures converge in harmony.
  • Visit Ibrahim's Khan, a historic site that echoes the past while inspiring a hopeful future, not least by displaying embroidery which is the product of collaboration between both communities.
  • In the courtyard, explore and engage with Cyprus' recent history, shaped by conflicts between the Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot communities over the past six decades.
  • Savour the simple yet true flavors that are offered in family homes, accompanied by a cup of Cypriot, Turkish, or Greek coffee, served in the oldest coffee establishment in Paphos.
Cosa aspettarsi

Get a fresh perspective on the latest events in Cyprus on this National Geographic Day Tour led by two journalists, one Greek-Cypriot and one Turkish-Cypriot, who will give you rare, behind-the-scenes insights.

Start by exploring the restored village of Moutallos. Immerse yourself in its stories as you meander through the narrow alleys and witness the transformation of the area, with rehabilitated buildings that bear remnants of Turkish names, symbolizing respect for the other community.

Pause for a photo stop at the historic Agia Sophia mosque, formerly a Christian church. The tour then leads you to Ibrahim's Khan, a refurbished Ottoman inn. It now houses craft units and a theater. The main entrance showcases exquisite creations of embroidery, jointly made by women from both communities, illustrating their desire for cooperation and reunification.

In the courtyard of the Khan, engage in an interactive debate directed by your two journalist guides —one Greek-Cypriot and one Turkish-Cypriot. Together, you'll explore Cyprus' recent past, investigating the causes behind the enduring division and contemplating potential paths toward unity.

See the contrast between old and new as you embrace the mix of vendors and workshops in the Khan's surroundings. Then, admire the renovated Ottoman Baths, part of a heritage preservation project. Conclude by savoring the simple yet true flavors that are offered in family homes, accompanied by a cup of Cypriot, Turkish, or Greek coffee, served in the oldest coffee establishment in Paphos.

Leggi tutto
Cosa è incluso
  • check Transport
  • check Guide
  • check Snack
  • check Coffee or tea
Da ricordare
  • Total duration of this tour is 4.5 hours
  • Not suitable for wheelchairs
  • Adults only
  • Bring suitable footwear
  • Bring a hat
  • Bring money for extras or gratuities
  • English-speaking guide for all nationalities
  • Please note that all times are approximate and subject to change
  • This experience doesn't follow our general cancellation policy. If you need to cancel, you must do so at least 24 hours in advance to receive a full refund
Leggi tutto
Commissioni di prenotazione
Buone notizie! Non sono applicate commissioni di servizio a questa prenotazione.
Politiche di cancellazione
Ricevi un rimborso del 100% annullando la prenotazione fino a 1 giorno prima dell'inizio dell'attività.

Cosa dicono le persone di quest'esperienza



Basato su 1 recensioni di clienti verificati

  • Mary T and Anthony H

    Da Stati Uniti d'America - agosto 2024

    Viaggio di famiglia


    35 - 44 anni


    Valutazione complessiva


    We so enjoyed Two Sides One Story. It was led by two journalists: Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot, accompanied by their friend from N. Cyprus, at be ...

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