Castle Hill

Castle Hill tours and tickets


Cosa fare a Castle Hill

4,9/5 (7)

Castle Hill takes visitors to new heights above the city of Nice, offering panoramic views of the Bay of Angels, irresistible turquoise waters, port and Old Town. Whether you take the lift, the cute tourist train or brave the three-hundred steps – a trip to the top is an absolute must. The Castle Hill Park at the top is like discovering a secret garden. Walk among shaded paths perfect for picnics, enjoy refreshments, play areas and of course, the old castle ruins. Castle Hill was where the first city of Nice was born. Cameras will be buzzing from endless wow-factor vantage points of a French Riviera gem city, and don’t miss out on the park’s huge cascading waterfall.

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Tour a piedi di 2 ore a Nizza

Tour a piedi di 2 ore a Nizza

Prenota il tuo tour a piedi di 2 ore a Nizza con la tua guida locale nata e cresciuta in città ed esplora gemme nascoste dietro ogni angolo

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Castle Hill

Castle Hill



Recensioni Castle Hill

Tim, 23 mag 2024
Vicki, 08 mag 2024

“really friendly and knowledgeable guide, got to see areas of Nice that we wouldn't otherwise have visited.”

Morag, 23 mar 2023
Janet, 23 ott 2022

“Best day out all holiday”
