Découvrir Excursions depuis Reykjavik
Islande, terre de feu et de glace, terre de merveilles et de spectacles naturels, terre de champs de lave sombres et de lagunes d'eau turquoise. Coincée entre le Groenland et la Norvège juste sous le cercle polaire arctique, gouvernée par des volcans capricieux et peuplée par des gens accueillants et au bon cœur, l'Islande est vraiment un pays de contrastes. Si vous vous considérez comme un chasseur passionné d'Aurores Boréales, à la recherche d'une nouvelle aventure sur des glaciers ou en mer, ou si vous voulez simplement échapper à votre quotidien pollué pour plonger dans les eaux naturellement bleues et laiteuses du Lagon Bleu, l'Islande a résolument beaucoup à vous offrir. Saviez-vous que l'Islande a servi de lieu de tournage de la série Game of Thrones, de Batman Begins, de Lara Croft - Tomb Raider et de James Bond, Die another day (Meurs un autre jour)? Préparez-vous à être surpris ! Sautez sur un bateau et quittez le port de Reykjavik pour aller observer les baleines dans une baie voisine, mettez vos bottines et suivez un guide expert pour une randonnée de 2 heures sur un glacier, découvrez quelques plages éloignées de sable noir et leur fascinantes colonnes de basalte, communément appelées «orgue basaltique» ou attendez un début de soirée sombre pour chasser les célèbres et insaisissables Lumières du Nord, c'est à vous de choisir ! Mais n'attendez pas trop longtemps... winter is coming!
Nos recommandations à Excursions depuis Reykjavik

TUI Reykjavik City Tour with FlyOver Iceland Experience
Explore the world's most northerly capital city with its colourful corrugated iron buildings neatly arranged against a backdrop of snowy mountains and the Atlantic Ocean.The Reykjavik city tour introduces highlights from the past and present, visiting landmarks such as The Pearl and the Hallgrimskirkja church, both offering fantastic views over city, the harbour and the famous Reykjavik 101 area. The tour will also drive by the Höfdi House, where Reagan and Gorbachev met in 1986 to begin the process of ending the Cold War, the Sun Voyager and the futuristic Harpa concert hall.Your tour also includes a ticket to FlyOver Iceland – a 5D theatre ride that allows you to experience the feeling of flight without ever leaving the ground.

If you want to escape the city and see a bit more of Iceland, this trip is ideal. It introduces you to the country's south coast, where thundering waterfalls, snow-topped volcanoes and a stark coastline lie ready and waiting.You'll make a couple of stops at the area's biggest waterfalls, Seljalandsfoss and Skogafoss, where you'll have enough time to take some photos. Eyjafjallajökull is part of the line-up, too.The volcano that erupted back in 2010 is a picture of serenity these days, sleeping soundly beneath a huge sheet of ice and snow. The real highlight of the day, though, is Vik. This huge beach is covered in black pebbles, and boasts weird and wonderful basalt rock formations.

TUI Raufarhólshellir Lava Tunnel Tour
Iceland's landscapes are marked by caves, bubbling hot springs and volcanoes – but on this tour, you'll delve into an extraordinary lava tube formed thousands of years ago. You'll join your guide and walk along century-old lava that's now one of the biggest natural caves on the island – Raufarholshellir.

Excursion de plongée en apnée dans le bleu au départ de Reykjavík
Partez faire du snorkeling à Silfra dans le parc national de Thingvellir en Islande ! Réservez dès aujourd'hui pour une visite offrant un voyage relaxant mais exotique dans un environnement unique et captivant.

TUI Reykjavik City Tour with FlyOver Iceland Experience
Explore the world's most northerly capital city with its colourful corrugated iron buildings neatly arranged against a backdrop of snowy mountains and the Atlantic Ocean.The Reykjavik city tour introduces highlights from the past and present, visiting landmarks such as The Pearl and the Hallgrimskirkja church, both offering fantastic views over city, the harbour and the famous Reykjavik 101 area. The tour will also drive by the Höfdi House, where Reagan and Gorbachev met in 1986 to begin the process of ending the Cold War, the Sun Voyager and the futuristic Harpa concert hall.Your tour also includes a ticket to FlyOver Iceland – a 5D theatre ride that allows you to experience the feeling of flight without ever leaving the ground.

If you want to escape the city and see a bit more of Iceland, this trip is ideal. It introduces you to the country's south coast, where thundering waterfalls, snow-topped volcanoes and a stark coastline lie ready and waiting.You'll make a couple of stops at the area's biggest waterfalls, Seljalandsfoss and Skogafoss, where you'll have enough time to take some photos. Eyjafjallajökull is part of the line-up, too.The volcano that erupted back in 2010 is a picture of serenity these days, sleeping soundly beneath a huge sheet of ice and snow. The real highlight of the day, though, is Vik. This huge beach is covered in black pebbles, and boasts weird and wonderful basalt rock formations.

TUI Raufarhólshellir Lava Tunnel Tour
Iceland's landscapes are marked by caves, bubbling hot springs and volcanoes – but on this tour, you'll delve into an extraordinary lava tube formed thousands of years ago. You'll join your guide and walk along century-old lava that's now one of the biggest natural caves on the island – Raufarholshellir.

Excursion de plongée en apnée dans le bleu au départ de Reykjavík
Partez faire du snorkeling à Silfra dans le parc national de Thingvellir en Islande ! Réservez dès aujourd'hui pour une visite offrant un voyage relaxant mais exotique dans un environnement unique et captivant.

Obtenez toutes les meilleures informations sur les aurores boréales en bateau à Reykjavik et réservez vos billets sans file d'attente aux tarifs officiels. Informez-vous, planifiez, réservez.

Visite à pied de la ville en petits groupes
Rejoignez cette promenade VIP dans la ville et ajoutez une touche plus personnelle à votre journée à Reykjavik, découvrez les sites les plus célèbres et découvrez l'histoire de l'Islande.

Entrée aux baleines d'Islande avec audioguide et visite
Visitez l'exposition Baleines d'Islande avec un audioguide disponible en 12 langues et une visite guidée gratuite en anglais deux fois par jour.

Excursion d'une journée au Cercle d'Or et au Lagon Secret
Lors de cette excursion d'une journée décontractée, plongez dans une source chaude géothermique à l'intérieur du parc national de Thingvellir. Découvrez les grands geysers et profitez du confort du transport aller-retour.
Comment s’y rendre

Excursions depuis Reykjavik
Avis Excursions depuis Reykjavik
“Gulli was an excellent tour leader and the trip itself was amazing, everywhere we visited lived up to expectations and surpassed them. Well worth every ISK spent.”
“Lagoon was virtually pitch black as it was so windy you literally couldn't see in front of your face . Pretty disorienting Water was lovely and warm but the visual aspect ( which I guess kind of sells it ) wasn't there.”
“Blue Lagoon is great. Not given a full two hours in the pool. As you have to get back to the coach and you need time to wash and dress. Also no Tui Rep present on coach and at spa. Coach arrived 18 minutes past our pick up time. Tried to contact Tui, but you took 5 hours to reply on your APP. Need more time at this lovely resort, so you can take advantage of Sauna, Hot Rooms and all other facilities. Felt very rushed. Did not get our monies worth!”
“Felt conned by the price! Paid £160 each when going on TUI app yet if I had booked it from the TUI Rep at hotel it was £123 per person!! Worded it as 1/2 days quad biking 2-4hrs, it was 1hr quad biking maximum and didn't go off road or up any hills for views as described.”